Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday's Highlights- FASTING

I'm hungry already.

Fasting is one of the lost disciplines of the Christian life.
At least its been lost in my life the past few years.
In college and as a young adult I made fasting a regular discipline.
Then Robin and I started a family. And for us family meals are one of our top priorities. We eat pretty much every breakfast and dinner together.
Then I'm usually meeting someone for lunch.

But enough is enough.
I need to fast.
Jesus expects us to fast. In Matthew 6 Jesus is teaching on what we would categorize as "spiritual disciplines."
First he talks about "acts of righteousness" and giving to the needy. That's a whole sermon there- the first "discipline" is really about loving others and getting our money under Christ's Lordship.
Second, he talks about prayer.
Third, he goes into fasting, and he starts with this audacious statement,
"When you fast..."

Not "if you fast," or "should you decide that fasting is for you," or "once a year when you give something up for Lent..."

He says when you fast. It's an expectation that someone following Christ will make fasting a regular practice.

So I'm once again convicted that I must return to this discipline.
I need this.
I need to hunger after more than food and drink.
I need to stand in solidarity with those who daily hunger and thirst.
I need to be and example to my family- where family meals are still a top priority, so family fasts must also become a part of our home.
And who cares if I look a little funny only asking for water at a restaurant. I'll just leave a bigger tip!

Now someone reading this knows this bible passage and knows that it says don't make a big show of your fasting. And I confess that by blogging about this I've turned this fast into a bit of a show.
But in truth, I don't write this as bragging. I write this as confession, and as accountability.
And maybe even to challenge you.

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