Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Connection Group Facilitator Tips

We've had a great launch of our Connection Group ministry.
We have more than 100 people registered.
And I am blessed to have partners who are passionate about this in Mark and Julie- I love you guys.

There is a myth out there in church land- community happens.
I've talked to too many folks who have had the opposite experience-
isolation happens.
Community and connection take work and intentionality.
You have to want it, and you have to make it happen.

Now let me be clear- you can't force friendship, community and connection.
But you work to make the space and opportunity for it to happen. You create the culture and environment. That's all we've done with Connection Groups.

But it still takes work and intentionality to make it flourish.

One thing I'm doing to help keep us on track is encouraging and educating our facilitators.
So I'll just copy and paste my first "Connection Group Facilitator Tips" newsletter...

So here's my first bit of unsolicited advice:
Assume nothing- love everyone.

Don't assume that folks have bought into this whole "Connection Group" thing. They still have their questions, and their doubts. They may still be a little awkward and uncomfortable with all this.

Hey, they may still be a little uncomfortable with the whole "Christian" thing. We have the blessing of many new Christians in our groups. So go out of your way to make the meeting a comfortable place. How do you do that?

Love them. Yeah, that's vague, but it's still the best advice I can give.
Love them. Greet them at the door. Give them snacks. As them how their week's going. Pray for them. Serve them.

Now here's my second bit of advice for you:
Lead your group. Your level of preparation and leadership will directly transfer to the comfort level of the group.
Your group won't feel like a gathering of old friends. You're not a group of old friends- you're two weeks old. Expect a bit of silence when you ask a question. But lead your group through this, and a few weeks you'll feel like a group of old friends.

Finally, here's a great site to book mark. It's full of articles and advice on leading small groups.

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