Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sharing God's Love

Series: Signs of Belonging
May 4, 2008
George J. Saylor

This morning we come full circle. We draw to a close our series on Signs of Belonging by talking about Sharing God’s Love. Every one of us, every one who puts their faith and trust in Jesus is then called to share in the life and ministry of Jesus. And let me be abundantly clear on what I mean by that- God showed us the ultimate love by sending his Son Jesus into the world to be our savior. The ultimate love we can experience is in accepting the gift of that salvation, that life, in Jesus. The ultimate expression of love is in sharing this love, sharing Jesus, telling others about Jesus, inviting others to know Jesus. When I say share God’s love, I’m not talking about some vague concept or feeling- I’m mean we tell people about God’s love for us in Jesus. We tell them who Jesus is and we invite them to give their life and faith to Jesus.

We should share God’s love for two reasons- first, because Jesus commanded it. Simply put- Jesus said go out into all the world and make disciples. Second, we should do so because we are compelled to share the best news and the best thing that’s every happened to us. Jesus commands us, and our own experience of Jesus compels us to share the best news the world has ever heard- there is forgiveness, there is freedom, there is peace, there is a God who loves you. It’s the most amazing news the world has ever heard. That’s it, and that’s what we’re talking about today.

Let me begin by making three observations...

Read the rest of the sermon at

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