Monday, May 19, 2008

Seek Justice

Series: Connections Gives Back
George J. Saylor
May 18, 2008

My poor wife grew up in very a very unjust circumstance- she was a Pastor’s Kid. There are actually support groups for pastors kids because to the issues they have. If you are a PK and have issues, talk to my wife, not me. My dear wife was subjected to what was called “The Calvinettes.” She tells me it was like a Girl Guides troop with a biblical twist. They would get their troop together, put on their little vests and kerchiefs, do crafts, work on earning badges, sing songs and study the bible. The Calvinettes always began with the same ritual- they would all line up and the leader would ask, “Calvinettes of Victoria, what does the Lord require of you?” And in unison the girls would shout back,
“To do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God, Micah 6:8.”
To this day my wife still points to this as one of her life verses- one of those verse that provides for her a handle to grasp the Christian life, a ruler to gauge her lifestyle, and a goal for her to try to attain. Those are the hallmarks of a great and worthwhile mission- this verse gives us the direction to set our lives and the tools to get there. It calls us to something greater than just ourselves and our own wants and desires. It gives us something to live for, and something worth dying for. It really is a mission worthy of our entire life.

Read the whole sermon at or listen on our website.

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