Monday, May 5, 2008

Invite Me!

I mentioned briefly in yesterday's sermon the difference between telling someone about Jesus, or church, and inviting them to meet Jesus, or church.

Here's what I've realized about many of my conversations.
I am always telling people about Connections Community Church. I'm the pastor, I love our people, our worship, our mission, everything about Connections. It comes naturally for me to share what I love.

BUT, I often fool myself into thinking that just because I've TOLD somebody about Connections, that I've INVITED them.
But I haven't.

Saying, "We're an awesome church! I'd love for you to come to our church sometime," is great thing to say if we mean it. But it isn't an invitation. It's too open ended. Just like, "We should have lunch sometime." I've never had lunch with someone after saying we should have lunch. But I've had plenty of lunches with people after I said, "We should have lunch tomorrow."

Try saying, "I love my church! What are doing THIS Sunday? Could I bring you to church with me?"


Why is that scary? It's not. They are going to say yes or no. If they say yes, great, your invitation was accepted.
If they say no, fine, at least they know you wanted to include them in something you love.

I was invited to join a softball league. I said no. But I really appreciated the invitation.
I was invited to play hockey yesterday. I already had plans. But I loved being invited.

Here's the thing- I know, I KNOW that there are hordes of people out there who are just about screaming, "INVITE ME!" They want to find community, friendship, worship, meaning, purpose, excitement, adventure- all the things we offer at Connections.

So don't just tell them about Connections. Invite them. Actually commit yourself and invite them. You have nothing to lose, and they have everything to gain.

1 comment:

Kat said...

During the past year while living in Toronto, I came by both types of people: those who tell someone about Jesus/church and those who invite others to meet Jesus and church.

I have not attended church for a number of years, though for a while now I have wanted to re-establish my relationship with God but not knowing how to do so.

A number of months ago, I talked to a friend about what he believes in and what I believe in etc. I told him that I wanted to start attending church again but that did not know which to go to and that I had no one to go with, hoping that he would invite me to his or even guide me to someone else that I could talk to. He never did either, though the talk I had with him sparked me to ask further questions of myself.

The second friend that I talked to was very helpful and encouraging, happy to help me find what I was looking for. After our conversation he told me about The Meeting House and gave me their website saying to watch the podcasts and if I liked what I heard that I should go with him and a few of our friends on the following Sunday to church and then Thursday for Home Church.

For me one of the obstacles has been taking that first step, because I didn't know what church to go to (Catholic churchs don't do it for me anymore) and I did not want to feel like a stranger not knowing anyone when I found a church.

Some people are waiting and wishing that you invite them.

I am looking forward to coming to my first service at Connections this Sunday!
