Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Mother's Day

George J. Saylor
May 11, 2008

The old saying of William Ross Wallace really is true, “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world.” The impact of parenting in many ways, and in many cases, sets the course of a child’s life. It certainly couldn’t be more true than in the case of Hannah, the mother of a boy named Samuel. Hannah rocked the cradle of her son Samuel, and he grew up to be the king maker of Israel. Not the king mind you, but someone with more power and responsibility- the one who installed, advised, and in many ways even ruled over the kings of Israel.

Now before I go any further let me be clear that this is not to diminish those women not called to be mothers, or who cannot have children, or women who are not even called into marriage. Jesus never married. Jesus never had children, but Jesus was the most fully alive and truly fulfilled person to ever live. Our greatest value, our greatest worth, is not found in being parents or in being spouses. Our greatest value according to the bible is actually in being children- in being and embracing our identity as children of God. If you get that right, then you are set. You know who you are and whose you are, and everything else is icing on the cake.

But this is to affirm that motherhood, and parenting in general, is a divinely ordained and blessed calling in life. And should you be one of the women called into motherhood, that becomes your first and foremost work for the Lord. If you ask me who I am, first I’m going to say I am a child of God, loved by my Father in heaven, redeemed by my Lord Jesus Christ, filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, if the person hasn’t run away totally freaked out, I’m gonna say second, I’m the husband of Robin. Third the father to Eden, Karis and Justin…so far. Fourth, I am called to be the pastor of Connections Community Church- the most rocking church in London! I hope I’ve made my point- being a mom, being a parent, is the end all and be all of life, but it is really really remarkable.

Read teh whole sermon at

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