Sunday, May 18, 2008


Today was one of those services where our volunteers ROCKED.
Which is essential, because everything matters in a worship service.
One mistake and you may never get another chance with someone.

Here are some reflections on today's service:

One, today was so scary for me. We had Jacob Moon in to lead worship. I knew Jacob Moon was good, but wondered how it would "feel" with him leading our music component.
I don't want to mess up our "brand."
Let me explain- a woman who comes regularly and who has no church background missed the past two weeks. This weekend she had TWO folks visiting with her and brought them to Connections. When I saw the new faces I literally prayed,
"God, make this service work!"
She can invite her guests to Connections because she knows what she's bringing them to experience- the atmosphere, the music, the message, the coffee! If we deviate from the "brand" we've created, she loses confidence in bringing her guests.
That why we keep doing what we do well!

Second, sound.
Today the sound guys showed me their commitment. On our second sound check we still had buzzing. It was unacceptable. The guys pulled out speakers, stand, snake, cables and put me on a whole other channel. Romans 10 says,
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good can they hear unless someone goes to tell them."
Guys, you are beautiful because you make God's word heard.

Third, lighting and camera.
Today I goofed. I moved too far from my mark and my face couldn't be seen clearly. Want to know why that is important?
We have one person who comes to Connections because she reads lips. She can see my lips because we have very good lighting and a GIANT screen.
If she can't see my lips, she doesn't "hear" the good news.
If for no one else our lighting has to be excellent, and I have to stay on my mark.
If we do this, we will be a ministry to the hearing impaired.

Fourth, we gave back.
We haven't even scratched the surface of stewardship, but the giving pattern we're starting to develop shows us that people believe in our mission. It's humbling. Today and next week we want to communicate through our actions that we are serious about "Connecting with the world." The people responded. I'll have a final figure to give soon, as we may have more coming. The International Justice Mission will be blessed.
As we move forward we want people to know that they can give confidently to the church because we will steward their gifts well- to pay staff, to develop our ministry, to reach out in mission.
There is so much more to say, but for now we continue to be blessed, we want to be a blessing, and big things are on the way!

Fifth, and finally, it's my anniversary weekend! 11 years of wedded bliss! I love Robin. I love being married to her. I can't wait to see what the next 11 holds in store- I hope one part involves the 11th anniversary of Connections and thousands of people reached for Jesus!

Happy Victoria Day,
Pastor G

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