Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Tenacious Audacious Prayers

The prayers I make really specific for Connections often seem to be answered. I guess this has something to do with praying the way Jesus taught us! So this is me getting specific. Now God can tell me if I'm off base, or answer them and show we are on target.
  • First, I really would like to break the 200 barrier this summer. How cool would that be! While everyone says churches can't grow in the summer in Canada, we can just give God the glory for doing something awesome!
  • An Administrative Director. Plans have fallen through for the guy we thought could come on staff, and actually be our first 1/2 time position. Does this mean we continue with the volunteer culture, or look else where? I'm keeping my eyes open for someone else in our community who might step into this role. After all, it is biblical (1 Cor. 12:28).
  • A Ministry Centre. I have a great office down town for a great price- FREE! Can it serve as an office for our church? I don't know. But if we can get someone else to give us free office space, that would answer the question!
  • 52 Commitments to Jesus Christ- one for every week of ministry this year. Since we're halfway through the year I'm praying for an outpouring!
These are the things I'm praying about that have less specific and outward answers. But I'm praying for them tenaciously:

  • The revamping of my advisory team
  • Putting together a stewardship team
  • Finalizing our second year plan
  • Launching our Connection Groups plan

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