Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Into the Wild: My journey

We are gearing up to start our "Into the Wild" series. One of the things I'm doing to get ready is simply reading through the entire Exodus story.
I'll be honest- it's harder than it sounds.
The story starts off great- action, adventure, plagues and fire.
But then it starts to bog down.
I'm probably not supposed to say that as a pastor, but it's true. The first half is great, up through about chapter 20. Then it gets in the laws. A few interruptions spice things up- a golden calf and Moses glowing face- but it's still tough to wade through.
But it's vitally important.
It's one of those disciplines that are rewarding not in the moment, but in the long haul.
But that's a lot of what a trip into wild looks like. In the big picture it's an awesome adventure. But in reality it's a hard, difficult and trying experience.

It's like reading the blogs of our friends biking coast to coast on the Sea 2 Sea trip. The idea is awesome, exciting and inspiring: bike across North America to raise funds and awareness in the fight against poverty. How great is that!

The the trip begins. And reality sets in- day after day, week after week, of riding mile after mile. After 4 weeks and hundreds of miles, the adventure is not so glamorous. It's more about sore muscles, saddle sores, sunburns, and missing the comforts of home.

But for those who persevere there is unparalleled satisfaction awaiting them. I imagine.

So that's what I'm up to. I'm persevering through the entire Exodus story, into Numbers, Leviticus and Deuteronomy. At the end is a great reward!

Join me if you want to prepare your heart for this awesome series. Try to read through all of Exodus, and see what twists, turns and surprises await in the adventure. It's wild!

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