Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Back in the Saddle

After a few days camping last week it's great to be back at it.
Time away from ministry isn't really time away- it only postpones what still needs to be done. But the respite provides needed rest, reflection, and perspective.

So here are a just a few random thoughts:
Prayer is AWESOME! Last night we gathered for our monthly prayer meeting and just a few attended. So we took the opportunity to lay our hands on one another and pray. Let me assure you- if you've never been the recipient of prayer and touch by loving, mature Christian brothers and sisters, you have not experienced one to the greatest joys of our relationship in Jesus. You will be humbled and inspired, you will probably cry, you will receive insights that will astound you, you will feel healing, you will feel encouraged, you will be changed.

Let me also assure you of this- if you have not prayer over someone in this manner you are missing one of the most awesome experiences of the Holy Spirit. In the giving and receiving of prayer we tap into the greatest power available to us.

I love our Connection Group. I can;t wait for Sunday nights, and I hate for them to end. I love gathering together, sharing our lives, laughing, eating, discussing the bible, praying for each other, dreaming about the next steps for our church.

I love preaching. I loved hearing from Ben on Sunday. He did an awesome job. It was very necessary for me to finally sit in a service and not preach (I'll blog about what I observed sometime). But now I'm itching to be back! I was out one Sunday, and yet I feel like I now have the urgency of eternity to make up. But that's what every preacher needs every Sunday- the overwhelming conviction that the message this Sunday is the most important message one will ever give.

I'm a people person. I'll drop just about anything to be with someone. It's also funny to me how much I'm alone. I'll sit in my office for several hours. I have no music on, no distractions, I'm just doing something like this- blogging, emailing, doing some of the necessary administration to keep this mission going. But for me, it's all about being with people. That's what I love. That's what energizes me.

And that's enough for now. I have to go meet with someone!

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