Wednesday, September 10, 2008

So much to write...

While I'm generally one to hate qualifying this I say/write, let me say first, sorry for my schizophrenic blog.
Slow days lead to well thought out, contemplative reflections.
Weeks like this lead to online processing to organize my thoughts.

So many of these thoughts will later morph into full blown ideas:

I've had some amazing interactions this week discussing the very nature of the church.
Anyone who knows me knows I'm passionate about the church.
My neighbors are sick of me inviting them to church.
(It's cool, we're all friends)
I love the church! I really believe we're the hope for the world. That said, I'll spend my whole life just trying to get my head wrapped around who, what and how to be the church.
But in the end I'm like a love-sick school boy...
I just can't help myself. I have to have her!
Second, people found us through Facebook! How cool is that. But if you're a regular Connector, please don't link on to our website through the Facebook ad- it costs us, and I want to keep that money in the mission.

Third, I was asked about a "Church Directory." We have a church directory. It's called Facebook. Get online, get signed up, join the Connections group. Then you'll have access to the coolest church directory ever- a fully interactive, instantly up to date place to connect with our community.

Fourth, we also have a way to organize our entire church- Planning Center Online. It's how we do church.

To be a part of any group one must "buy in" at a certain level. To really be a part of Connections folks are going to have to buy in to Facebook and Planning Center. To ask us to communicate and exist in different ways is akin to asking us to change our service from English to French.
Is it ok to have French speaking churches? Of course. That would just be a very different church. Likewise, Connections lives online, and these are our tools for communication.

Fifth- I'm so excited for our Volunteer Round-Up, Connection Group Kick-Off, and our Baptism/Communion service. But I'll have to write more later. If I don't get on my bike for a ride before dinner I'm gonna go crazy!

1 comment:

Pat Dryburgh said...

Hey George,

Thanks once again for a great Sunday. I already feel something growing inside to dive in, and can't wait until my 3 month absorb period is over.

Just wanted to give you a kudos for what you said about buying in. I know having worked at a church whose purpose was to engage those outside the church that a lot of "church people" find it hard to realize that in order to reach those outside the church we can't keep doing the same "church thing" we've been doing for decades and centuries now. We need to engage culture, and engage people where they are at. Non-church people don't look at church directories. They look at facebook. It's a small example of what Paul did in Acts 17. He went to the Areopagus, rather than asking the intellectuals to come to a church.

Hope we can get together again soon, George.

Take care,