Friday, September 5, 2008


Series: Into the Wild
August 31, 2008

Today we need to drive this series home. When we left last week we were in a bad place. The people of God rebelled, they didn’t believe the promise, so they were left to wander through the desert for 40 years until an entire generation passed away. And that is exactly what the people did. They literally walked around in circles in the desert, skirting the edge of the promised land, always looking in, always being reminded of what they rejected, while they learned the hard way to trust God, to follow him, to believe in his promise. Even Moses, who had been leading the people this whole time, was kept from entering the land.

But Moses led them back to the same place they stood 40 years earlier, back to the edge of the Jordan River, and there he delivered his final address. We actually have the entire address recorded for you in the bible. It’s called the book of Deuteronomy, and I’d like to read it for you now, it’s only 34 chapters sow we’ll be done before dinner. How about I skip to the end? We’re going to look at his final encouragement to the people in chapter 30. He has poured out his heart and soul for these people, even as he has poured out his entire life to lead them to the Promised Land. He has encouraged them in every way he knew how to believe in the promise, to trust in God, to take what was theirs. Finally, he says this…

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