Sunday, March 2, 2008


Series: Vantage Point
Sermon: whatsyourvantagepoint?
George J. Saylor

H.G. Wells wrote,
“More than 1900 years later a historian like myself, who doesn’t even call himself a Christian, finds the picture centering irresistibly around the life and character of this most significant man…The historian’s test of an individual’s greatness is ‘What did he leave to grow? Did he start people thinking along fresh new lines with a vigor that persisted after him?’ By this test Jesus stands first.”

It has long been understood that even if the bible didn’t exist we still have historical documentation from other sources that verify there was a man named Jesus who called Nazareth his home, he gained a following as a teacher and the reputation of being a miracle worker. At the height of his popularity he has a following of hundreds. But he ended up dying a criminal’s death on a cross. His followers then, instead of moving on, claimed that Jesus rose from the grave, and then the movement that Jesus started began to truly take traction, and has, without exception, continued to grow with each successive generation.

Read the ret of the sermon at

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