Friday, February 29, 2008

Ask, Seek, Knock...

I've written several times now about the amazing things God has provided at just the right time- people, resources, open doors.
I've truly found that there power in openly asking for our wants and needs. I say wants and needs because frankly, I can't always tell the difference. But more often I think I put actual needs in the "want" category. I lean toward not asking for enough. Really.

I somehow feel it's not humble, but in reality it's very humbling to ask anyone for anything.
I feel we can "get by" with what we have.
I fear rejection, like most.
Daily I must convince myself to be bold for Jesus and for this church. It really does stretch me.

But I digress- let me praise God with a few updates, then share some real needs.
  • We have on site storage! Did I mention this yet? The cold was killing our equipment. We needed heated storage. I said the best option would be just leave it at the theatre. They said fine! They even gave us two rooms to hold all our gear. Amazing.
  • With better storage we felt free to order more monitors and mics.
  • We had our first Communion service as a church, and I don't even care what others thought- I was blessed. Nearly 40 folks came out on a dark and cold night.

Now some genuine needs:
  • First Impression Team (FIT): I need to ask someone to head this up. Someone with great organizational skills and a passion for creating hospitality.
  • Facility Setup Team (FaST): We need more folks helping to set up. We need 2-3 people who will really take ownership of learning our setup process to guide and improve our process.
  • Family Ministry: We just need to expand our list of volunteers and pinpoint someone to help us expand the children's program.
  • Multi-Media:
  1. We need at least 2 folks to own our lighting system and maximize it.
  2. We need 1 more person to share the load of running the video.
  3. We need 1 more skilled camera person.
The list could go on, but I know beyond any doubt that we need these people in place ASAP. So say a prayer that I'd either be bold enough to ask the right person, or the right person will be bold enough to ask.

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