Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Called... to Ski?

People keep asking me if I'm glad to be back from my ski trip.
Can I say yes and no?

I'm thrilled to be back- I love my family, I love Connections, I love my calling. I wouldn't trade these things for all the world- this is my world!

But skiing is my addiction. It's not like I feed it a little bit and walk away satisfied. I'm like a crack head- I get one fix and immediately crave more. If you put the opportunity in front of me right now, I'd be on the slopes! I've got a fever and the only cure is more skiing.

That said, it's not my calling. I knew that from the moment I was presented with an education and freedom. I was so tempted to pack up, head out west, and embrace the ski-bum life. Get a job, but live for the mountain. But I knew God had other plans for me. I knew He wanted to do more through me than cut up fresh powder and huck cliffs.

And more so, I knew that ultimately skiing would not satisfy my deepest needs- the need to have a calling and a purpose. The need for a companion, for a family, for a community. The opportunity to make a real impact in the world and on people's lives. These are the things I decided to pursue. And for this I have no regrets. I praise God that somehow, even as a dumb 21 year old with his whole life ahead of him, I knew enough to pursue what matters eternally- God and people.

And you know what God gave me, I think in part for trying my best to honor him? A wife who actually encourages me to take ski trips. Kids who now love skiing and can't wait until they are old enough to hit the big mountains. An income that allows me to save up and hit the slopes a few times each year. A father who foots the bill for most the trip so he can spend time with his sons and grandchildren! (Thanks dad, you're awesome)

Yeah, there are folks who live right by the mountains. Folks who make a lot of money and fly to the mountains every weekend. But all things considered I have it pretty good, better than many. And for this, I am deeply, deeply grateful. Thanks to God for creating big mountains and lots of snow!

And here's me tearing them up...

1 comment:

Gayle Harrison said...

The best part is the laugh at the end of the first video!