Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Why did this happen?

Those following the adventure of launching this church know a huge area of prayer and need has been in developing a family ministry team. It comes down to this reality:
First- we absolutely need a top-notch nursery and children's program if we wish to have any connection with young families. It just a given, and the first impression matters deeply. ("Oh, sorry we have nothing planned for your 2 year old- just enjoy the service and come back in a few weeks and we should have something going.")

Second- folks don't get on board with a new church because they are dying to volunteer with a children's program. For most churches it is already the single largest volunteer based program.

So, imagine my delight when Meghan and Paula step up to the plate to help me get this team started- plan our preview service programs, get some volunteers, and see where it goes.
We get together yesterday afternoon, sit down to start planning on the front steps, and, I'm not making this up-

A kid comes running down the sidewalk asking for help, blood everywhere- he had been stabbed by his own sister, once in the neck and once in the shoulder.

Our day of planning a family ministry program sudden was taken over with giving the boy immediate attention, calling 911, and the numerous questions and police reports that followed.

So after an afternoon like that, one is left wondering, "Why did this happen?" Why today? Why were we there? And of course, why does a family sometimes become the place of our greatest pain and risk, instead of love and safety?

We didn't get anything done planning our family ministry program, but if nothing else, I have a renewed passion and focus to make this a priority- to love and support families, to provide a safe refuge, to even teach people, at the most basic level, how to be a family. I don't know all the answers, and I don't know where this is going, but I do know of one more family that needs our prayers and at least one "pastoral visit" from a guy who just happened to be there when a boy needed help.

Hats off to Paula and Meghan, the first responders and police officers that came to help.

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