Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Reflections From a Trip To Disney World

In case anyone been wondering why I haven't blogged for a week- this is why.
After Easter (the proverbial Superbowl of church services) I took my kids to Disney World.
Yeah, I'm that great a being a Dad!
Here we are watching the parade at the magic kingdom. Take note of the Steelers sweatshirt on Justin- and it was even his 4th birthday!

Actually, I can't take credit for Disney. We had made our arrangements to go to Florida to visit my parents as we do every winter. They called to ask if we though the kids were ready for the full-on Disney experience.
Were they?
Is Mickey a mouse?
Is Donald a duck?
Oh yeah!

So what does this have to do with the church?

Only this- going back to "work" today was one of the hardest moments of my life in recent history. It wasn't fun to try to explain to Justin why, after 7 days of begin together almost constantly, daddy had to go. It was easier for Eden and Karis, as they understand the ways of the world a little better than their brother. There is NOTHING better than simply being with my kids. There is nothing more important for me as a father to be with my kids. Not even church planting, which is my passion and a dream come true.

It makes me examine several things which I'll reflect on the next few days. Thus, I give to you,

Reflections From a Trip To Disney World

First, how do I explain my "work" to the kids? When will they start to understand this calling? Is there a line between my work as a pastor and the church?
Some pastors say they are going to the "office" to separate work and church. I don't. I boldly tell them I'm going to help build God's kingdom and his church. I tell them I have the greatest privilege and responsibility in the world- I get to be the pastor of a church just being born. And while I have some healthy boundaries on my life (like going to Florida and NOT checking email or phone messages), I DO NOT put my calling to plant and lead Connections in a box. I DO NOT talk about it like it's just some job.

It is my passion. But I'm just doing my part of the work. I'm not the one in charge. Holidays are a necessary reminder that Christ will build His church, not me. I just do my part faithfully.

Then when I come back and find out that things went great without me I can celebrate and give God all the glory! It's great to bear the responsibility of leading Connections, but it's better to know I don't carry all the weight.

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