Monday, June 18, 2007

Just a step behind

I went running yesterday morning and ran by the spot of one of my regrets. A few weeks back I was jogging along, listening to a sermon. I'm such a pastor-geek that I have more sermons than songs on my itunes. So lame, I know.
But here's the really sad part- I'm so into my sermon that I don't really think about it when a car stops in front of me and a woman asks if had seen a red hat on the ground. I had seen it about two blocks back, so, in a sort of runners daze, I just say, yes, about two blocks back.
She quickly says thank you and turns around.
I never saw her again.
I blew it.
That's the thing about opportunities for good deeds- they come up so quickly that you have to be ready for them, or they can pass you by that fast.
The good thing is that they come up often. Most of the time I think I'm ready, but sometimes I'm just a step behind.
I don't think the woman expected me to go back and get her hat. I don't think she even gave it a second thought. But that's the point of good deeds isn't it? You do them when someone doesn't expect or deserve it. You do them to be proactive. You do them out of the goodness of your heart. She never gave it a passing thought, but I've thought about it every time I've run by that spot.
I decided that since I blew one opportunity, I'd try and make up for it. I run by that spot and pray that God would open my eyes to see the opportunities to love my neighbors placed before me each day. I pray that I might be a step ahead to help and serve whenever, wherever, whoever.

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