Wednesday, January 2, 2008

My Resolutions

I've been thinking about our sermon series starting this Sunday,
Resolutions Worth Keeping
I'll have a lot more to say for Sunday and the coming weeks, but for now, I want to be sure that this series starts with me- what are my resolutions?

Resolution is simply defined as
a "firm"decision to do or not do something.
Resolutions seem to have a bad rap these days. Perhaps I'm overly sensitive to the hype, but people seem to be making a point of not resolving anything. I guess our culture has a hard time making firm and lasting decisions.

I've decided that I'm not perfect, that I still want to grow, that I want to set goals for my life, my family and "my" church (it's Jesus' church, but he called me to be the pastor). The beginning of a new year is as great a place to take an inventory of my life and make some changes/decisions.
But I do understand the frustration of making outrageous or impossible goals, not achieving them, getting discouraged, and the downward spiral begins. I've certainly not kept or reached every resolutions I've ever made.
I still bite my fingernails.
I still struggle with budgeting money to the level I think God calls me.

So here we go. I have few categories, not because I like to compartmentalize my life, but because it does need some ordering for purely practical reasons.

Personal Resolutions:
1. Stop biting my fingernails (it will take a village)
2. Compete in an Olympic distance triathlon or marathon.

Family Resolutions:
1. Get on a budget (Not just tithing, saving and spending frugally, which has kept us out of debt, but actually spending on a budget so we can enjoy money more.)
2. Take each family member out for a "retreat"- Eden, Karis, Justin and Robin. I'm thinking of a night away camping or to an event that they would uniquely love. (While this may mean seeing High School Musical on Ice or something like that with Eden, it will also mean taking Justin to a Monster Truck Jam or something else that's awesome!)

"Spiritual" Resolutions:
1. Read through the Bible. I did this two years ago, then got sloppy this past year.
2. Monthly Prayer and Spiritual Reflection Retreats. I like being with my family too much to go for extended periods away. But a day each month, a night or two thrown in on occasion. This isn't for me personally, but primarily as the pastor of a new church. I need to guard this time to build into my relationship with God to be the leader He wants me to be.

Professional Resolutions:
I listed them before- but they bear repeating- 5 in all, one for each finger to remember in prayer. If we surpass them all, to God be the Glory. If we fall short, let us seriously evaluate our level of commitment to this mission...
  1. Filling the 350 seat theatre this Winter/Spring.
  2. 100 volunteers for our Ministry Teams: FAST, FIT, Family, Worship and Media.
  3. Launching our Connections Groups with 200 participants Fall 2008.
  4. Growing to two services (or two theatres) before Christmas 2008.
  5. 52 decisions to follow Jesus (one for every week of the year).

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