Thursday, January 3, 2008

Keeping Resolutions- Bible Reading Plans

Here's the first of several helps in keeping my resolutions...reading the Bible.
Nurturing the life of faith doesn't get any more fundamental than this. The simple discipline of reading scripture and praying. This is how a daily connection with God begins. So here are some great resources that I've used.

1. A Student Bible. They have numerous reading plans built in- one year plan, three year plan, and many two-week topical reading plans.

2. Online. You can't beat This site has 4 different plans, numerous versions, and is very user-freindly in a nice layout.

3. Email. There are many ways to have your Bible reading plan emailed daily, or part of Google's Reader program. One very easy one is BiblePlan. You can pick several plans, versions, even languages.

NOTE: in regard to which of the many translations to pick from, here's my 2-cents: I've read the New International Version (NIV) for years. It's the classic "dynamic equivalent" translation. I have recently updated to the "Today's NIV" (TNIV), almost the same, but with a few nice changes in light of recent textual work.
As for a paraphrase, the new standard is "The Message." This makes the reading the bible like reading a novel.
Advantage- easy and fun to read.
Disadvantage- hard to memorize and remember locations of important passages.
Both of these versions are available at BibleGateway and BiblePlan.

4. Printed Reading Plan. Many options available. NAVPRESS has some good ones that come in trifold format which I like.

5. Finally, another option is to come to worship this Sunday and pick up a plan from our resource table! Stick it in the Bible you have and read away!

BONUS SECTION: Tips for reading the Bible from George.
1. Read a Gospel: Matthew, Mark, Luke or John. You can't beat the life of Jesus! Just keep reading about Him.
2. Read Romans: Martin Luther read it everyday. I don't, but I do read it a lot!
3. Read Proverbs: 31 chapters, 31 days in a month. Read a chapter a day each month. Billy Graham does this.
4. Read the Psalms. Many bible plans make a daily Psalm a part of the discipline, which is the perfect way to lead into prayer.

Now get into the Word of God! Blessed reading.

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