Monday, May 14, 2007

Working with the Wind

I'm so glad it's finally biking weather again. It has been half a year! I'm still adjusting from biking in the mountains to biking the southern Ontario plains. I thought it would be easier. I didn't account for the wind.
I'll be biking along and all will be fine- a great pace of 35+ kph, the sun shining, and the quiet hum of my bike speeding along the pavement. Then I turn. My pace is broken and the quiet is gone, replaced by a howling, almost deafening wind in my ears.
The wind makes an remarkable difference in biking. When the air is calm, you create your own resistance ( a lesson in itself). But when the wind is blowing- watch out. A tail wind of 30 kph means nothing- you're just keeping up. You simply feel apart of the environment. But turn against the wind and it's like hitting a wall. You fight to stay more than 20kph and the wind roars in your ears.
"The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear it's sound but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit." John 3:8

It's only rarely that the wind is truly at your back, pushing you along. Most of the time is spent fighting the wind. Going against nature and hearing her scream in your ears.
How often am I fighting against the Spirit? How often am I trying to go my way, my direction, my pace? The thing about going with the Spirit is that it doesn't even feel "supernatural." Most of the time it just feels like your going in sync- it feels like living the way it's meant to go.
I pray today I might simply work with the Spirit, and not against Him. May even the slightest change in direction roar in my ears and redirect my path.

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