Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A Seeker-Driven Savior

When you run in church circles, which by the way should never be the only circle you run with, you learn a particular vocabulary of faith. A particular lexicon has grown around the style of worship services a church holds. People are often trying to get a handle on our church by asking me what our style will be.

Sometimes I want to say we're are God-centered, because really, we are. I'm still basically an Augustinian kind of Christian- it's about God and His glory. Since I believe God is to be the center of our lives- no, that's still to self-centered- since we are supposed to be centered on God, of course our worship is focused on glorifying God.

But sometimes I want to say we'll be seeker sensitive, because while it's about God, it's about creating a space for people to worship God. The assumption here being that folks who are seeking God will want to come to a worship service, and we should do everything we can to serve, accommodate, and present God clearly to them.

But, and you may have guessed where this was going, it would probably be best to say we are seeker driven. Actually, we might be driven to make people God-seekers.
"Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus: who being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness." Philippians 2:5-7

It would appear that God was so driven to show us His love, so driven to restore our relationship with Him, so driven to restore our broken lives, that he came to us and became as one of us. God was driven to become flesh and blood, driven to die for our sins, driven to conquer death, driven to send His Spirit to live in us.
It would appear to me that God is therefore most faithfully worshipped when we are driven to reach out to those who don't know of this amazing God.

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