Tuesday, April 17, 2007

How do you take your church?

Throughout the "dreaming" and now "designing" stage of developing a new faith community my schedule has been pretty random. A busy day means I had three meetings at coffee shops instead of the usual one or two.
So if nothing else I've developed quite the caffeine addiction.
I've also developed, against my original impulses, a fondness for Starbucks. Those that know me know I'm more the corner store, cream and sugar, kind of guy. But Starbucks is just so...good. Not the coffee, so much as the atmosphere. Now I don't own any stock so this isn't a plug- just an observation. But it was so compelling that when I noticed a book called The Starbucks Experience (see my recent Favorite Finds to the right) I had to pick it up.
All Starbucks partners (everyone who works with Starbucks is a partner) are steeped in the "Five Ways of Being," which are,
"Be Welcoming; Be Genuine; Be Considerate; Be Knowledgeable; Be Involved."

They practically preach themselves. I can come up with a dozen Bible passages that reflect the same values (Philippians chapter 2 covers all five). So for starters, I love that a business can openly espouse Christian values, even if it doesn't give God the glory. It shows that Biblical values work in the world.
But more, it makes me wonder, what would it look like to create a worship experience that is "welcoming, genuine, considerate, knowledgeable and involved," and more, gives God all the glory? What would it feel like to have a church culture where the norm is an atmosphere where outsiders and aliens are quickly made to feel like insiders and family?
So when it comes time to launch this church I think I'll gather our team, take them to Starbucks, and give them a little taste of what we are trying to provide. Plus, the cup we will share will offer so much more.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Starbucks book sounds like the book Fish! by Stephen Lundin and John Christensen. The main points there, to help make your workplace a better place to be, are:
Choose you attitude,
Make their day, and
Be present.