Monday, April 16, 2007

Design Groups are starting

Design Groups will run April 22 through June 12, 2007. This 8 week series will serve as our "incubator" to grow our Ministry Team leaders, Launch Team members, and Support Teams. Please sign up for a group by emailing

Group 1: Sunday Nights, 6-7:30pm @ the Saylor's (106 Barrydale Cres- child friendly)
Group 2: Monday Nights, 7-8:30pm @ the Talsma's (1326 Hastings Dr)
Group 3: Tuesday Lunch, 12-1pm @ First Christian Reformed Church (532 Talbot St)

Session 1: April 22, 23, 24- Introduction and Explanation
Session 2: April 29, 30, May 1- Biblical Foundations for New Churches
Session 3: May 6, 7, 8- Cultural Needs for New Churches (COS)
Session 4: May 13, 14, 15- 3C’s Strategy for 3C
Session 5: May 20, 21, 22- 3C’s Values
Session 6: May 27, 28, 29- 3C’s Values Continued
Session 7: June 3, 4, 5- Formation of Launch and Support Teams
Session 8: June 10, 11, 12- Where we go from here…

1. Awareness and understand of the Biblical need for new churches
2. The specific need and design of 3C
3. Conducting the Community Opportunity Scan
4. Discerning individuals calling a gifts in ministry
5. Formation of Launch and Support Teams, & potential Ministry Leaders

We ask that all participants sign up for a Design Group. However, should you have to miss your regular meeting, you have two other days in which to make it up (For example, if you’re leaving on a work trip Monday evening, and that’s your regular group, plan on going Sunday night).

All participants will be asked to purchase one book and make a contribution towards refreshments. Meetings will consist of worship and prayer, teaching, and planning ahead. Invitation to the Launch Team is at the discretion of the lead pastor.

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