Thursday, April 26, 2007

Feeling "Connected"

"What is your only comfort in life and in death? That I am not my own, but belong body and soul, in life and in death, to my faithful Savior Jesus Christ." the Heidelberg Catechism

It would not be an exaggeration to say that this past weekend my life changed forever. As many of you know already, my grandfather died. I grew up with my "Pap George" and will miss him dearly. But I've been missing him for some time now. His health had been in a long slow decline. While that afforded a preparation for his death, but it also stole his life a bit a time.
But even with all the warning and preparation, it doesn't make the moment any easier. It wasn't until I returned to London Tuesday night that I realized everything we missed. Robin had a conference in Niagara, I had a Promise Keepers event Friday night; we had plans for Earthday Saturday morning, we had a small group meeting and a dinner club gathering that night; I had a training clinic for soccer coaches Sunday, the kids had a birthday party that afternoon, and our Design Groups for the Launch Team where ready to start. Monday and Tuesday were equally as full.
I don't say this as if it was any question where we needed to be. We did exactly what we needed to do- we connected with family. We remembered Pap's life. We laughed and cried and caught up together. We ate way too much food. I had the blessing of conducting his funeral. It was an awesome experience. My mom did an amazing job remembering her dad.
But then something wonderful happened upon our return- I felt connected again, but in a new way. I had numerous phone calls, emails, and cards expressing condolences and offering help. I had people wondering how we were doing, missing our presence, stepping up to do whatever they could.
So thanks for making me and my family feel connected. It really makes all the difference.

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