Monday, August 25, 2008

Monday Highlights

I think I'll make "Monday Highlights" a new feature, at least for now.
My head is always spinning after our Sunday worship service.
Maybe this will help me sort things out. So here goes...

  • Yesterday's service was awesome! The band had two things come up, which meant they were shorthanded, but that didn't stop them from bringing it! I was singing "Rescue" all day long- much to the pain of my family.
  • My man Mike stepped up and made the media portion happen! He even got the video going! I love people that rise to the occasion. But again, this illustrated for me why we need to have a media expert in place this fall. More on that when it's confirmed.
  • Connections Groups are coming together like crazy. I'm am so excited I have to cross my legs! People are stepping up to Form groups. This September we'll be filling them. It's going to be amazing.

For months now, literally, we've been pondering and praying about how to do a baptism service. I was literally drinking coffee with Robin the other morning, and the thought came to my head- why not in the fountain at the mall?

So I've approached the management at the mall, pitched my idea, and the guy didn't laugh. He didn't kick me out of his office. He didn't even say no. In fact, we talked about the logistics of such an event for a few minutes. Finally we had to leave it with this- he'll get back to me and let me know if we can do it!

And honestly, I think the guy wants to let us do this. He knew he couldn't say yes on the spot, as there is no precedent for this, ever, anywhere.

So pray like mad that we'll be given permission to hold a baptism service in the fountain at Masonville Mall Sunday September 21!

Finally, and this is what is always most awesome and most exciting for me-
  • We had three re-commitments to Jesus
  • Two people ask how to make a connection with God
  • And our first official request for a baptism!

This is what it's all about!

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