Saturday, September 15, 2007

7.2 Millions Dollars

Yesterday one of our Team leaders called me and asked if I wanted to go to the united way luncheon. I was shocked- shocked I hadn't heard about it! Me, the guy whose trying to network like crazy and go to every community event I can to meet people. Me, the guy who literally studies the community events page in the paper!
Anyway, I did miss the ads, but did make the lunch.
7.2 million in London in the next year. That's their goal.
An awesome goal which got me thinking about our dreams and the resources we need to make them reality.
I don't have any answers for you now, but I will say this.
If 200 people at our first service was NOT a flash in the pan, but a sign that we may attract a crowd, and turn that crowd into a church, then we can work to turn that church into a force.
A force with a big dream and big goals to help us move toward it.
That's what I'm thinking and praying about tonight.

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