Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

In one way everything in the world seems wrong today- it's thanksgiving, but it's not.
My circadian rhythm tells me I should be eating deep fried turkey, and watching football. I was supposed to wake up early, run the Turkey Trot and go to the annual Turkey Bowl. I'm supposed to be going to the movies tonight and NOT going shopping tomorrow.
Yes, this is my first Thanksgiving in Canada.
Moved here over a year ago, but last year at this time we ran south of the border, following the scent of pumpkin pie (and apple, cherry, peach, blueberry, boston, and a few others. My family REALLY likes pie.)

But still, I am thankful.
Thankful for new traditions.
Thankful for new friends.
Thankful for new opportunities.
Thankful for a new beginning.
Thankful for a new warm home.
Thankful for the same wonderful foods.
Thankful for the same great God leading us in this new place in life.

And I'm thankful for my family that never ceases to crack me up, especially as I try to work from home today...

In a few years he'd kill me for this- but in a few years he wouldn't dress like this (or will he?)

1 comment:

jules said...

Justin!! we'll see what he thinks in a few years.. haha!

Happy Thanksgiving!